Primary Research (Demographic Questions Analysis)


Demographic Questions Analysis

Here, we will see how many people have participated in this survey questionnaire and much they know about hacking and its software.

Q. What is your age?

From this graph it is obvious that 45.5% users are at the age of between 20 to 30, 36.4% are between 30 to 40 and 18.2% are from the age of 40 to 50. 

Q. Where are you from?

This graph shows the location of those who were part of this survey. According to graph 90.9% participants belong to Asia. And 9.1% are from Australia. 

Q. What is your gender?


From this graph we can come to know that most of the participants who have knowledge about hacking and have used any hacking software are male with 63.6%. And rest 36.4% are female. 

Q. Do you know about Hacking?

In this graph it is shown that 54.5% participants have knowledge of hacking while, 45.5% have no idea about hacking. 

What type of hacking have you done?

According to this pie chart, 100% participants have used smurfing only. 

Q. Do you think hacking is ethical?

This graph shows that 90.9% participants think hacking is unethical and only 9.1% participants have the view that hacking is ethical. 
